We were fortunate to get back on track in 2021 hosting our 7th Annual Friends of Mike Clement Charity Golf Tournament & Silent Auction in October. Through the generosity of our wonderful donors we were able to meet our goal for the year and were able to award eleven $1,000 scholarships.
Our scholarship committee has continued its work and selected the winners of our scholarships for students from every participating high school in the Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District. We want to thank all of the outstanding students who applied for our scholarships. We wish we could award you all.
The students we selected reminded us of Mike Clement in some way, so that set them apart.
Niwassa Clement Because of the passing of Mike’s mother, Niwassa Clement, beginning in 2020, we were blessed with additional funds contributed to our organization in her memory. This enabled us to award an additional $1,000 scholarship in her honor and we were able to continue that this year as well. This is very appropriate because Niwassa was a great supporter of our effort to bless GCCISD students in Mike’s name.
If you would like to contribute to our Niwassa fund, you can do so here. We will be sure the family is aware of your thoughtfulness.
Total Awarded Since 2017 Since our first scholarship awards in 2017, FOMC has now awarded $56,500 in scholarships.
For a complete list of all our winners, please click here. This would not be possible without all of you who have contributed to our efforts. This includes golfers, hole sponsors, contest sponsors, silent auction donors, silent auction bidders, general donors, and volunteers. This is all because of you, and we are grateful! A list of all of our donors since we started FOMC can be found here. Here are our winners for 2022. Congratulations, and best wishes to all of you:
Impact Early College High School
Elysa Torres
Adam Kinder
Robert E. Lee High School
Lindsey Fox
Fabiola Gonzalez
Ross Sterling High School
Seleni Bernardez
Kyle Andrei Roque
Goose Creek Memorial High School
Jackie Ponder
Jay Ayson
Riley Banks
Stuart Career Tech High School
Annabell Robles
Niwassa Clement Memorial At-Large Winner
Jessica Cochran (REL)
FOMC 2022 Fundraiser
2022 Golf Tournament – 10/22/2022 - SAVE THE DATE Eagle Pointe Golf Club - Mont Belvieu, TX. More details will be available soon.
Our golf tournament is our main source of funding for our non-profit and we again ask for your continued support for 2022. Please put a team together, sponsor a hole, sponsor a contest, donate an item to the silent auction, or bid on a silent auction item. Better yet, do all of these. We believe we are building something special here, and we need you to be a part of it.
Let’s make this event our biggest and best yet so that we can help even more students in 2023 and beyond.