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Mike’s mother, Niwassa Clement, loved our mission to keep Mike’s memory alive by awarding scholarships to deserving Goose Creek CISD students.
Her family has asked that in lieu of flowers you make a donation to Friends of Mike Clement as we continue this mission.
You may also mail a check to:
Niwassa Clement Memorial
c/o Friends of Mike Clement
14900 Avery Ranch Blvd.
Suite C200
Austin, TX 78717
The following have made a contribution
in memory of Niwassa
- This list will be updated as others contribute:
Melanie Alexander
Brenda Barchman
Janet & Rhett Butler
Margot & Mark Casey
Christi Clement
Sydney Crosby
Jim Gray
Betty Johnson
Jere & Loretta Johnson
Sandra Jones
Michele Quillen
Maggie Riley-Hagan
Darrell Starnes
Kim Ward
Barbara Watkins
Sherry Whitsett

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