On October 16, 2021 we held our seventh annual golf tournament and silent auction. Many thanks to all of those who helped us: golfers, donors, and volunteers. Without you it would not have been possible.
We cleared over $11,700 from this event. This amount fully funds our ability to award scholarships in the Spring of 2022 to deserving GCCISD seniors.
The following wrap-up appeared in The Baytown Sun on 10/26/21:
Golf tourney a great success again
Oct 26, 2021
The seventh annual Mike Clement Golf Tournament was held at Eagle Pointe Golf Course on Oct 16. Members of the winning team, from left, were Rick Perras, Lori Marti, Brent Mauer and Eric Mauer.
The seventh annual Mike Clement Golf Tournament was held at Eagle Pointe Golf Course on Oct 16.
Rick Perras, Lori Marti, Brent Mauer and Eric Mauer were members of the winning team. They finished with a total team score of 58.
Lori Marti (Hole #1) and Patty Watson (Hole #10) were the long drive champs, while Eric Mauer (Hole #8) and Lori Marti (Hole #15) were the closest to the pin winners.
Mike Clement was a Baytown native who graduated from Robert E. Lee High School in 1980. Sometime during his time at Sam Houston State, Mike was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
In his 1987 book “Rise to the Challenge,” Clement describes hitting rock bottom physically and emotionally. At that point he prayed and determined not to wallow in self-pity. He threw his energy into his ministry and eventually was elected to the Goose Creek CISD school board.
“Friends of Mike Clement” hosts the golf event each fall and honors Mike’s memory by awarding scholarships to Goose Creek CISD students every May before graduation.
The “Friends of Mike Clement” organization plans to award another $10,000 in scholarships in May of 2022 to deserving GCCISD senior students.
To make a donation or for more information about the organization, visit www.friendsofmikeclement.org.
Event Sponsors
Lunch Sponsor:
Gary Hudman
Susan Watts Stone
Lazer Energy, Inc.- https://www.lazerenergy.net
Ferguson Waterworks - https://www.ferguson.com
Goodie Bags Sponsors:
Jalana & Bill Handal
Katie Entringer Orr
Longest Drive Contest Sponsors:
Automated Dynamics, Corp. (ADC) - http://www.adcreps.com
Lazer Energy, Inc. - https://www.lazerenergy.net
Matt Casey - "Hit nukes"
Closest to the Pin Contest Sponsors:
Knight Industrial Services - https://www.knightis.com
Carter Construction, LLC
Hole Sponsors:
Helen Berrott-Tims
Nancy Balke
Jimmy Gammon
Tom Gammon
Stone Oak - https://www.stoneoakranch.com
Tommy & Mechele Harrington
Joey, David, & Andy Duke
Roy Stanley
Penny Bruce
Baselodge Group - https://baselodge.com
Kimberly Macye
James Sutton
Margot & Mark Casey
Carter Construction, LLC
Jimmy Cones
Kelly & Mary Casey
Bobby Workman
Roy Stanley
Matt Workman
Jon Covington
Lee Martinez
Tim Finn
Rick Walterscheid
Shannon Carter
Lori Marti
Eric Mauer
Rick Perras
Brent Mauer
Mark Casey
Margot Casey
Steven Bruce
Austin Edens
Brandon Bohanon
Derek Hufnagel
George Banda
Robert Toomer
Les Elliott
Cleveland Robinson
Eusibio “Tiger” Tijerina
Rod Brown
David Clement
Joel Butler
Zach Clement
Randy Young
Ricky Young
Patty Watson
Allen Watson
Mario Coronado
Robert Harp
Michael Elliott
Brandon Gilbeau
Jerry Cruz
Ryan Lawhon
Johnny Selensky
Chet Theiss
General Donations:
Craig Russell
Bonnie Cohen
Ronnie Bradshaw
Dr. Randy O'Brien
Vivian Lannie (In Memory of Vincent Lannie)
Scott Lannie (In Memory of Vincent Lannie)
Bobby Workman
Stacey Duke-Boyes
Margot Casey
Jim Reese
Randy LeBouf
Ron Lawhon (Silent Auction Director)
Laura Lawhon (Registration & Silent Auction)
Mary Miller (Registration)
Margot Bruce Casey (Registration)
Carl Theiss (Media & Promotion)
Jay Lawhon (Silent Auction & Photography)
Silent Auction Donors:
Steve Britland
Ed Wachtel
Sidi C’s Wreaths – Coleen Dickerson
Ryan Lawhon
Lee Martinez
A Friend of Mike
Mark L. Casey - https://forwardstory.com
Ron Lawhon
Jay Lawhon
Thanks also to all of you who bid on and purchased the items donated to the silent auction!
Congrats to the team & individual award winners:
Winning Team:
Rick Perras, Lori Marti, Brent Mauer and Eric Mauer were members of the winning team. They finished with a total team score of 58
Closest to the Pin:
Eric Mauer (# 8)
Lori Marti (# 15)
Longest Drive:
Lori Marti (# 1)
Patty Watson (# 10)
Special thanks to the staff at Eagle Pointe Golf Course
Notes: If we missed you, it was not intentional. Please drop us a note so we can properly recognize you for your support. If you are listed above and would like a link to your business or organization, please let us know. We will be glad to add it. If your link above is wrong, or you want us to remove your link, please let us know that as well. Contact Mark Casey at mcasey@baselodge.com